Cold Sore Treatment - Choose the Right Solution For Your Cold Sore Treatment!

If you are suffering from cold sores, you probably know by now that they are very painful and difficult to get rid of. The healing time for cold sores can take weeks, even months! That means you have to be patient and not try and speed up the healing time of the sore. This will just cause more irritation and pain. Here are some tips for cold sore treatment that are proven to work fast and give pain relief.

First, try using a lip balm on your lips every night before bed. You can buy lip balms at any drugstore or pharmacy. They come in different types, flavors and brands so make sure you find one that works well for you. Click to see page and learn more about melasma treatment. Some lip balms contain alcohol which is a pain reliever and drying agent. Other balms have no alcohol and are made specifically for cold sore healing time.

Cold sores can be a sign of an infection. You should treat them quickly with an oral medication. Topical applications of the cold sore treatment will help with the pain and prevent the sore from spreading to other parts of your body. Topical applications include lotions, creams and gels. You can also use over-the-counter topical oral medications like tetracycline.

If topical treatments do not work for you or if you do not like applying creams and lotions to your cold sores, you can try using oral medications for pain relief. There are many cold sore medications available. One of the most popular ones is called Erythromycin. It comes in tablet form. It works by breaking down the hyperproliferous epithelial cells found in the cold sore. It also prevents the cells from leaking into the tissues around it.

Diflucan is another medication that is used for cold sores. Click here for more info now. It is available as a topical cream or a pill. It works by eliminating the outermost layer of the skin called the epidermis. Per Dr. Shainhouse says that it should only be used as a last resort for cold sores. It should never be taken without the proper doctor supervision.

There are many other treatments for cold sores. Some people prefer to avoid pain medications and opt for other means such as herbal remedies. Others still want to get fast relief and choose supplements like vitamin C and E, or topical medications like eucerin. You can find a lot of information about cold sores on the internet. You may also find more than one solution to your cold sore problem. Learn more from

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